On 1 January 2020, 8,901,064 people were living in Austria. This is an increase of 42,289 persons compared to the beginning of 2019, primarily due to immigration. A total of 96% can be attributed to it. The average Austrian is 42.9 years old.
Vienna and Vorarlberg show the strongest population growth. The group of over 65-year-olds is growing particularly strong. But the birth rate is also positive. 19.3% are under 20 years of age. But without an influx we would not reach the 9 million mark.
“In 2019, 40,613 more people moved into Austria than those who left the country”, explains Tobias Thomas, Director General of Statistik Austria. 16.7% of the population are foreign nationals. More than half of them come from EU and EFTA countries (Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland).
The Germans dominate, while of the 707,780 third-country nationals, the Serbs before the Turks make up the largest nationality.
— Hector Pascua, Source: Statistik Austria
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